To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Werewolf bayonetta

I could not help my self I was looking around and could not find any that we're female wolf pictures of bayonetta so I drew her as one

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Esmeralda from the Folklore Manor romance novel (coming soon)

Another character from the up coming book of mine this is Esmeralda the werewolf girl that loves Victor.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The shores of unknown calling

It is a dream I keep having i stand there on the shore as the waves crash against the sands as I stare off in the distances with a sun that is not bright enough but ruins all around as I see the light above me shining down on me but so far out of reach i don't feel fear,loneliness I don't feel weak I just feel I belong there and I don't know why I been having it for a couple of months now and it will not stop.