To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Caim Arie Kindra (my persona)

1. The flames can't live forever.
2. Sooner or later it will fade and when it does well we all know what will happen next.
3. Nothing good can live forever.
4. When will my end come for i can't take much more.
5. To live live a life alone, to walk a path alone i will fall for i can't stand on my own.
6. What i ask for seems to be impossblie to even touch.
7. Yet i am haunted in my dreams who will be the one to save me for my heart knows i may be a Guardian but yet i am the one that needs saving.
8. Who will come to my side and heal my heart and take away the pain for me to feel complete to make me their world as i their be mine.
9. As always i am here waiting undernear the stars trying to reach out asking please save me.
10. I wish to share my heart full of love with you to show you the real me.

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