To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Song Men

I drew this feeling like that life is like a song playing and for each person, the tune is always  different some happy, some sad and some in between. It is hard for each of us to change it so the song does not skip or miss a beat so it goes on living like us never falling silent. For me I just want someone to dance with me through this life and change my sad song to a happy one and make me breath the lyrics that belong to the song in my life and in my heart. When we all listen to music to escape the world around us it shows that we live in some shape or form of wanting to be real to be seen and heard it gives us moments to feel strong to feel happy or to feel sad if we lose a loved one or a break up or feel we are always in the back ground yearning to be loved some how it is a powerful thing music does to us all. I feel weak and see through and wanting to give up everything but the heart and song in me burns with a flame that is uncontrollable that I can stop and it pushes me over and over to take that step one after another and I don't understand why I exist but I keep being pushed forward by this flame in me. I hope I get my answer some day.  

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