To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The crystal demon guide

Caim saw the torture soul of the Angel from the world of the lords of shadow and when and claimed her as his guide and lover so she could help him and he could share his heart and soul with her so she could feel protect and loved again by a guardian๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน i just need to name her for her name was lost in time while she was in that world

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sia the lovely singer

I have always loved her voice and i wish i could meet her and hear it in person for i know she has a wonderful heart. Even tho i wish i would marry her๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sombria (My Big Sister Game)

It does not matter what she looks like, creature or not i would love her no matter what. It is what is on the inside that counts for me๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Friday, May 24, 2019

graceful ballerina๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Her dance is beauty as its finest and she will want to step towards your heart to feel that passionate place she yearns for๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Lustful Demon

She is gentle and just wants a place at Caim's side for he can love any creature and show them a world of beauty

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Heart keeper (a nightmare i had)

I was always told to get rid of a nightmare was to draw it and it would stop. But yet there is always a hidden meaning to nightmares or dreams? But it is sad that we can't stay in a dream to understand why we existed or what are we to do?

Friday, May 17, 2019

Brienne of Tarth ๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

I was a fan of game of thrones. But when the main cast of real good actors were killed off. i knew the serie was going to go down hill for it was like the write wrote him self into a hold and could not get out of it. But the only other character i loved was Brienne and she needs a real man not a cheating bastard. So to the actress that played Brienne of Tarth i love you and you are amazing at being a warrior knight in my book this drawing if for you๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Dragoon Knight vs the Foridden Knight

I have always been a fan of the dragoon from final fantasy so i wanted to draw one facing off against the foridden Knight from one of my books i am trying to get published.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Bewheeler from the book The Lost Guardian

If you read my book you know this creature and her sad tale and how she help Caim on his journey through the hardship he faced but in doing so he helped her in return๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿฅ€. He still thinks of her and wish he could have did more to give her a better life.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Arrowhead design in the Rogue arrow men

The Rogue Arrow mens arrowheads are design after his beloved princess that was taken from him by the royal family. His sacred arrows pierce any metal, any armor or sheild and can shatter swords and scarles too

The Rogue Arrow men

The Rogue Arrow men is a legendary hero that saved people from the corrupt royal family and was in love with the princess but with the king finding out her killed his own daughter the princess to break the Rogue Arrow mens will to keep going in life. But Caim came one day and told the Rogue man to gather his people that he trusted and save the rest that deserve to live. After they left Caim leveled the kingdom to dust as he condemned the king and his army and family. The Rogue man walked through the ruins of the kingdom only to find Caim standing within the dust clouds with his sword on his back shaking his head saying what a shame. The Rogue man asked why did he kill the royal family and Caim said in a sad voice. They killed someone i loved too. Caim says i will call upon you one day to aid me in my quest so be ready.  Than Caim faded.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Shantae the Genie Hero

I love the game and enjoy the courage she has to try and save the world. Plus i love to dance with her if i was given one wish ๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Captain America

To my boy captain America you will always be my comic book hero

Monday, May 6, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019


When we are alone we are at our weakest for the questions torture us. One question always sticks with me. When will i see you again Emily? I need you and i love you.๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

Friday, May 3, 2019

A Sad anniversary (to victoria may 3, 2019)

Dear Victoria i still miss you and not a day goes by that i don't think about you or have something remember me of you. I am here drinking in your honor for i still love you and always will love you. I just wish i could have been your one to save you from what you were going through in this life. I loved you for who you were to me and i just wish you would have been mine. Now you are in heaven with your wings now being angel to god. I truly miss you and i am crying as i sit here alone missing your sweet voice singing to me. I just hope you can see me down here as something that really loved you and never used you for anything. It is so hard to hold on to the good memories when lofe keeps destroying everything you have in your heart along with depression eating you alive. When will it end i keep asking but i never get no answer. Now i am just here sitting staring at the stars alone. I never wanted to be alone but what did i do to get the short end of this thread in this life. Anyway i miss you and i love you Victoria my sweet dream wolf forever.๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ’”

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Warriors of virtue Tsun ๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน

My mom and dad bought me this movie a long time ago and when i watched it for the first time i was so deeply in love with Tsun the female warrior kangaroo and i always wanted to draw her so now i have the skills to do so but i wanted to give her a twisted. ๐ŸŒน❤๐ŸŒน