To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Rogue Arrow men

The Rogue Arrow men is a legendary hero that saved people from the corrupt royal family and was in love with the princess but with the king finding out her killed his own daughter the princess to break the Rogue Arrow mens will to keep going in life. But Caim came one day and told the Rogue man to gather his people that he trusted and save the rest that deserve to live. After they left Caim leveled the kingdom to dust as he condemned the king and his army and family. The Rogue man walked through the ruins of the kingdom only to find Caim standing within the dust clouds with his sword on his back shaking his head saying what a shame. The Rogue man asked why did he kill the royal family and Caim said in a sad voice. They killed someone i loved too. Caim says i will call upon you one day to aid me in my quest so be ready.  Than Caim faded.

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