To see within is to know your place when the time comes.

To see within is to know your place when the time comes.
To stand among the stones while words and drawings echo through time.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The rose women (painting)

i wanted to do something that was with beauty and music and my beloved Alena help me get the idea od painting rose women, one that dances, one that plays the harp and one with the trumpet. I really love painting some how it feels so easy to me qnd i dont know why and i want to thank my beloved wife Alena and my family for the support and pushing me to try new things thank you all ❤πŸ’‹❤πŸ’‹❤πŸ’‹❤❤πŸ’‹❤πŸ’‹❤πŸ’‹❤πŸ’‹❤❤πŸ’‹and i want to thank all the people out there that support me and view my blog thank you everyone😁😁😁😁

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